Every couple wants their wedding to be special and memorable. While following wedding trends might seem like the most obvious way to achieve that, it’s also possible for you to attain the opposite. 

Customization is the best way to create a wedding that truly feels unique and personal. After all, if you’re going to spend months preparing for this milestone, might as well infuse the entire thing with your and your partner’s personalities and stories. 

In this article, we share seven (7) tips to plan a unique and memorable wedding. Keep scrolling to see what ideas we have in store.

Get creative with your rings

Most wedding and engagement rings come with the usual round-shaped diamond. While this is a truly timeless look, choosing a non-traditional diamond ring might be a great idea, especially if your goal is to be memorable. 

Diamonds nowadays come in all shapes and sizes e.g., emerald, oval, pear, and marquise. They even come with different wedding band materials, such as silver, gold, platinum, and rose gold. 

Customizing your wedding rings is a great way to stand out from other couples. It’s also an effective way to show off your and your partner’s personalities and preferences. 

Choose a venue that’s significant to you both

Couples tend to book a venue because of its popularity or newness. While there’s nothing completely wrong with that, doing this does put you in a position of being just like every other couple. 

Choosing a venue that has significant value to both you and your partner can add to the novelty of your wedding. It gives your guests a small peek into your relationship and adds to the memorability of the event.

Here are a couple of areas to consider: 

  • Your favorite museum
  • Where you had your first date
  • Your favorite vacation spot
  • Either of your hometowns

Make a list of all the places that you and your partner find significant in your life. Slowly narrow it down to your top three. Determine the pros and cons of each option before making a final decision.

Include your favorite dishes/desserts on the menu

Unlike what most people tell you, your wedding menu doesn’t have to break the bank for it to be memorable. Even if your goal is to be unique, serving the most expensive dishes or buying the most extravagant wedding cake won’t get you anywhere. People may remember the exorbitant amount of money you spent, but they won’t recall much about you. 

Instead of burning cash, consider serving your favorite dishes and desserts to your guests. This is a great way to let your guests get to know your preferences and tastes a little better. Plus, it could also be an opportunity for some of your guests to experience something new.

Try out different wedding dance traditions

We all have traditional wedding dances that we don’t know about. If your and your partner’s families are from different ethnicities or countries, trying out their traditional wedding dances could be a great way to mix things up. There’s no reason to stick with the traditional father-daughter dance that we see in most movies. 

A couple of great examples of traditional wedding dances are: 

  • Halay from Turkey
  • Sirtaki from Greece
  • Sword Dance from Scotland
  • Ceilidh from Ireland
  • Horah from Israel

Find out what traditional wedding dances your families used to do. Incorporate them into your wedding program and make something special for everyone to remember.

Personalize your ‘thank you’ notes

Personalizing your thank you notes is just one of the many ways you can show your appreciation to your guests. You don’t have to write long messages for each attendee per se. However, adding personal anecdotes that you and the one reading your message can relate to is a great way to build a stronger bond with each other. You don’t need to write these messages in bulk, either. Make use of the months you have for planning to slowly work your way through your guest list. 

Consider a minimalist bouquet

A bride’s bouquet is one of the most important wedding day essentials. While it’s always been customary to choose a bouquet that’s large and extravagant, taking the minimalist route is a great way to set yourself apart from the crowd. It also lets you save a couple of hundred dollars from your wedding budget. 

The simplest way to go about this is to get a bunch of your favorite flowers and tie them up with a nice little ribbon. If you’re looking for something even simpler than a ribbon, twine is also a popular alternative that many brides turn to.

Plan a unique wedding entrance/exit

You might not be able to believe this, but there have been couples who dropped into their weddings in a parachute. Not to say that you should do the same thing for your wedding. Just try to think of fresh and original ways to make an entrance e.g., releasing butterflies onto the aisle or throwing snow into the sky.

How you leave your wedding is just as important as how you come in, too. Many couples like to do the horse and carriage bit with the flashy glitter guns. However, there are other alternatives that newlyweds can freely explore. For instance, if you and your partner like driving cross-country, riding out on a motorcycle or sports car could be a great idea. 

Start planning a meaningful wedding

Planning a wedding can be overwhelming for almost every couple out there. If you want your wedding to reflect both your characteristics and preferences, the seven tips for planning a unique and memorable wedding that we shared today should be able to help. Find time to go over each recommendation and add them to your wedding plans. Good luck!